A High School Economics Class asked me to make a commercial…

The simulated companies of Off-Bite and Village Vendors put together commercials this week for their marketing projects. Let’s see what these bright minds put together!

“Mom! I need 24 cookies by tomorrow!” As a public school communications director, I love it when the students come up to me a day before their project is due and ask if I can help them. At Poland Local Schools in Ohio, I create class video features to give our community a sneak peek into the classroom. This time, the students were tasked with creating marketing commercials for their business simulations. One class had a script ready… Another class wanted to make a spoof of a sitcom… All in less than 24 hours. Yes, the task seems daunting. I couldn’t help but want our students to succeed, so I delivered!

Classroom feature videos have very widespread benefits:

  • Community Pride: Residents of the district get to see the value of their school district in an engaging way that generates support for teachers and students.
  • Student Pride: Students get excited to learn and participate in activities knowing that they will be featured on YouTube.
  • Social Media Promotion: Communications Directors can be assured that if a parent’s child is in the video, they are more likely to share it with their friends!

Often times, there are not enough free hands to even think about recording a video, better yet edit and produce the video once recorded… This is why it is essential for school districts seeking their community’s support to invest in communications. By focusing on capturing the purpose (educating students), districts will naturally achieve their goals to improve the product of education. It all starts with the record button!

Recording classroom features yield many benefits for both teachers and students. A public school communications director can create a more engaging learning experience that promotes student participation. By embracing interactive communications in school districts, we can create a more engaging educational experience for all.

Interested in creating your own video feature?

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